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3 configuration options of software

3.3 configuration in the current operating system

3.3.2 Linux description of the concepts

Under Linux there is no generally accepted way as it with Microsoft Windows is usual, since each group of developers pursues own opinions and goals. Like that each distribution is differently developed. Basis of these developments is the fact that the Linux source code for the free operating system under the GNU general Public License is approved, everyone may it use, copies, to pass on and change141.
Here also the graphic surface becomes from the multiplicity of the possible Variants142 beside the Kernel and the Software packages
installed; the individual components of the operating system are not as with Microsoft into a complete system embedded separate modular available, and explain so the complexity of Linux143.
With the surface frequently GNOMES, KDE, flux box/black box, Xfce 4 or evenly only the console are used. All pursue another configuration pattern. Linux is more transparently developed thereby in addition, and in all ranges from the user configurable.
This it can be more easily served by experts and be adapted to the own requirements. Vorkompilierte of packets (RPMs) gives it therefore in the Internet on various sides to the free Download144.
The system has advantages opposite Microsoft Windows: It can be adapted better and become safety gaps faster discovered and eliminated. The crucial disadvantage is that Linux requires a more complex installation; it is one seizes to usual distributions as e.g. talks has or Debian, Suse Linux, or Mandrake145.
The different distributions use thereby own Tools those with the configuration help, in the meantime e.g. give it in addition, system-spreading tools like Webmin146.
On the one hand they are usable in each Linux, limp however evenly to the development afterwards, since them each requirement to become fair to want.
For this work the distribution Suse Linux 9,2 is used. In order to make configurations at this system, the system control similar surfaces of KDE 3,3 and YaST 2, which use control centers, become.

Illustration 13: YaST 2 - the system control for Suse Linux

To configure Linux leaves itself generally after the guiding principle: '' Linux is larva with one thought in mind: Everything is A file. '' 147.
There are e.g. serious differences to Microsoft Windows like the file system structure, the user rights and the structure of operating system.
Due to the multiplicity of possible configurations in the different Packages there are many ways to modify the attitudes on a Linuxsystem. Also different offerers follow the example of Suse and offer user friendly surfaces for the attitude management.
Suse in the file etc. in the listing stores and transmits all changes, which are made over these surfaces and are system relevant, sysconfig configuration data into the appropriate uniform system files. The data are exactly the same formatted thereby like the Windows INI files: Key names for the group of configurations become of unencrypted instructions supplemented148.
As example here the configuration file of the VDR software for the transmit channels is represented:

Illustration 14: Configuration of the VDR channels

Behind the configuration of the attitudes under Linux directly several possibilities for the configuration management are applications and the operating system due to different developing stories. With the time have themselves some conventions develops by many programs to be used. Originally pure text files are used, which differ however in the syntax substantially.
Some applications use simple assignments of the form in the associated configuration files as under Windows "key name = value ", other applications use for the storage of the attitudes a C-similar Syntax149.
Also there are mixtures between different styles, then Apache e.g. uses a kind Mark UP language, those in its kind of a mixture from HTML and conventional value assignments150.
Other programs like 1.1.4 used here use the XMLFormat.
This has the advantage that it is supported by many efficient Parsern and a usual essential structure for advancements and changes offers and for developers more easily be read can. The Desktop surface of GNOMES hits likewise a trend-setting way: For the storage of the configuration of the system a kind is used by Registry data base.
As examples here 3 different strategies of the configuration management are erläutet.


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