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Chapter 5 - the problem of the forecast of rebelling of the obsolescence.

5.2 Method of forecast of the cycle of life of the electronic devices5.

The traditional method for the forecast of the cycle of life of the electronic members, is based on an approach score-card, in which the phase of the life, in which a device is found, is determined through an Array of technological attributes: to every attribute they are conferred a code, relative to the cycle of life, comprised between and a six (in agreement with is made characterized from Pecht and Das: one for the introductory phase and six for the phase of dismissione and obsolescence), and a weight.
The phase in which the device is found determines making one medium weighed of the relative codes you the cycle of life of the attributes.
The defect of this method is the fact that it does not consider the effective courses of the market, in how much it is based on not quantifiable technological attributes like the technological complexity and on ephemeral attributes of market as the use.
Moreover I found its roots in the erroneous assumption that all IC (the Integrated Circuit) follow the same cycle of life and that all it is made of this have the same length.
An other approach I found myself on a “factor of reliability” that serves in order to characterize a “temporal window of emergency” in which the member can be used calmly.
This method uses technological factors and of market of dispositi to you similar to those for which the obsolescence forecast is necessary; it does not take in consideration, therefore, the life cycle neither allows to characterize the phase of it in which the member finds itself.
At last, a forecast method that complyd with the deficiencies described for the approaches to the forecast pregressi, was proposed from Sanborn, Solomon and Pecht in 2000: this new one modus operandi allows to design the bell-shaped curve, basing the forecast on sale data passes to you and characteristic own of the member. The steps to follow in order to obtain the intentional information are:

Figure 5.4: Logical flow to the base of the previsional model of Sandborn, Salomon and Pecht.

In the detail, they are therefore develops to you: In the Tab.5.2, with j the secondary attribute has been indicated j-esimo, with µj the average relative to its cycle of life and with sj, the shunting line relative standard to it. In a recent one article 10, Sandborn, Mauro and Knox, have proposed one modification to this type of forecast of the obsolescence window: they suggest that the specification of the obsolescence window depends on the rules of business of the specific supplier and the specific part.
The logical distance to follow in this rivisitata version of the forecast method is following: for every device, the relative data you to the date of the last ordinazione are record to you and classify to you from the producer.
Every request of the part, in the classification of the data, has a value of the primary attribute, for which the parameters µp and sp with the described method can be gained over; the last date of ordinazione of the request of the part, per year comes hour standardized in relation of the sale peak µp.
Such procedure comes repeated for every request of the part, for which the analysis of the obsolescence is being lead, ordered and for every supplier.
The successive step is that one to reassume such give standardized in a histogram, from which it will be, then, extrapolated a Gaussian one and you respect parameters to you µlo and slo.
The obsolescence window is supplied, second asserted how much from the article, the expression:

Where x indicate the wished level of confidanza:
x=1 a level of confidenza of 68% concurs;
x=2 a level of equal confidenza concurs with 95%.

5.3 Conclusive reflections.

A use of succeeding of the tool present on the market for the forecast of the obsolescences, I found its validity on the assumption that such forecast often is brought up-to-date; moreover, it becomes taken care of more, as approaches itself to us the given effective of obsolescence. This implies, that the value of the forecasts, depends, in great part, from the ability of the organization to institute a continuous monitoring of the market and, he turns out to you obtainable from such information, make confidence in the bravura to face, in fast way, rebelling of an obsolescence problem. Ill-fatedly, the more it is approached to us the moment in which such problems they will rebel, less effective will be to have some foretold the date: this, in fact, renders spaces, or little useful, the efforts prosthesis to put in actions participations estimates in order to contrast the phenomenon obsolescence.
The method of forecast, described in the previous pages, comes introduced, from the author of articles on it centralizes to you, like a step towards the availability of one effectively efficient forecast, supported from quantifiable limits of confidenza.


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