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Chapter 6 - Analyses of an innovative approach: Mitigation of Obsolescence Cost Analysis (MOCA).

6.4 A application case9.

In the articles that introduce the MOCA, in order to demonstrate of in some way the effectiveness, it comes brought back experimentation made on a member, the FA-DEC (Full Authority Digital Electronic Controller) of manufactured motor AS900 and from the Honeywell Internatioal Inc. The characteristics of the FADEC are following:

The characteristics of the FADEC are similar to those of the system analyzed in the phase experience them of this job. On such system three analyses for the calculation of the Life Cycle Cost have been capacities ahead, founded on three different hypothesis:
  1. No phenomenon of obsolescence for the members of the system;
  2. Forecast of the obsolescences, but the obsolete members come supposed obtainable from a supplier aftermarket with a reasonable increase of purchase price;
  3. I use of the MOCA in order to establish a action plan based on actions of design refresh.
In the following table they are brought back turns out you economic of the studies lead near the center of the Consortium LIME (Computer Aided Life Cycle Engineering) to the University of Maryland in the USA.





No phenomenon

of obsolescence

4,24 M$

0 M$

Purchase from sources aftermarket

51,16 M$

46,92 M$


31,12 M$

26,88 M$

Table 6.1: It turns out to you economic of the experimentation.

According to this analysis, therefore, using the MOCA they have been saves nearly 43% to you of the costs that would have been supported in according to case assumed.


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