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Chapter 4: The cost analysis of the outsourcing of supplyings with the A.B.C.: the case Unitec Gmbh

4.1.2 Customers UNITEC

UNITEC essentially addresses to all those enterprises that need of a support are in the search of suppliers, is in the management of the process of supplying, and in particular of industrial supplyings for members and systems of production.
In geographic within the reference market is Central Europe with particular attention for Italy and Germany.
In time UNITEC it has widened the productive fields of reference, inserting, like approval previously, in its park customers companies of the chemical, cartiero, naval field, steel mills, automation.
From the point of view of the geographic expansion factors which the European Union, strong relations with multinational companies with several branchs (office) in Europe and the competences of the staff, have allowed the UNITEC to enter in the entire European market and the countries of East-Europe.
Towards the end of years ninety it has been recruited to the inside of staff the UNITEC an agent who operates in the South American area, in particular of Brasi them, where many of the more important European enterprises have installed own branchs (office) of production.
The diagrams that follow illustrate the geographic distribution and the weight in terms of turnover of the Unitec customers.
The Italian preponderanza of customers is the result of the mission of the UNITEC and that is to support the Italian enterprises in their international purchases.
The German percentage of customers (12%) is explained from localization of the company, the linguistiche acquaintances, of the legislation and the market.

Figure geographic 4.2:Distribuzione of customers UNITEC (source: our elaboration gives UNITEC to you 2004)

The rest of Europe, understanding like European Economic Community, constitutes 7%; it is this index of the fact that Unitec possesses the acquaintances mainly in order to concentrate just the turnover in the European area which turns out mainly gestibile.

Figure 4.3: Turnover customers UNITEC (source: our elaboration gives UNITEC to you 2004)

The data more interesting turns out to come from Brasi them.
The presence of an agent and its collaborators is allowing the company to become part in more penetrating way in the market south American, even if the percentage of customers is relatively low is finding in recent months an sensitive increment is in reference to new stabler customers, is in reference to the volumes of products orders to you.
It is hypothetical that therefore this percentage is destined to increase, seen also completed the financial efforts and of the staff from the entire organization in such sense.
The remaining part is composed from situated companies in several parts of the world, but above all in the United States.


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