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CHAPTER 3: The Unitec case

3.3.5 Support yards to the foreign country

Unitec supplies a particular service, consisting in supporting supplyings for the yards to the foreign country, preoccupandosi to acquire all the necessary materials of consumption.
In this way the problem of the liquidity of which the yard it needs comes resolved, since Unitec is taken care to carry out all the purchases and to on behalf anticipate therefore the payments of the yard. It searches all the members it wishes to you, choosing the source of mainly convenient supplying, is for the times of delivery that for the prices.
In particular, it selects, if possible, the suppliers equips you of warehouse in the area of the yard, so as to to allow one quick answer in the availability of the assets.
Unitec organizes also the deliveries, of way that the materials of which the yard it has need are ready in the moment adapted, and arrives with one single shipment.
The elimination of the management accounting of yard is obtained therefore also, in how much Unitec single invoice to the end of every month condenses all the operations in one, after to have supplied to the various payments with expirations and different terms.
The invoice salary comes sended to the headquarters directly them administrative of the customer, second the terms of payment agrees to you, concurring therefore an easy recovery of the Vat.
Unitec elaborates a periodic document then containing gives to you consuntivi of the costs of the material acquired from the customer for system and for yard, with graphical rappresentazione and to tabellare of they give to you. The service extends also to the activity of res-use of the materials remaining in the moment of the closing of the yard, allowing the recovery of such costs.
Beneficial consequence of such service is the control of the costs supported from the yard from part of an external agency, which it documents and it organizes all relative expenses to the carried out jobs and from there it sendes certification to the agency acquires.

3.3.6 Ulterior services

Unitec offers one series of ulterior services, some of which closely legacies to the activity of base of the company, others mainly innovated to you and in phase of implementazione.
Such services are:

  • Coordination specialistiche maintenances
    The service of Unitec, consisting in supplying replacement parts for equipment of production, met sometimes with the difficulty from part of the companies to install the products orders to you, in how much devoid of know how necessary to the scope. Therefore the need has been introduced to increase the offered service, thinking to an attendance post-sale to the customers. For this, it is today possible to recruit the technicians necessary to install the particular one acquired in the situations of specialistica maintenance. The technicians to disposition have been subdivided in groups of specialization, which electrical worker, mechanic and tire, second the own competences. They come then ulteriorly subdivided based on the tipologia of machinery that needs of maintenance, in how much remarkable differences to second of the used technology and the company exist manufacturer. Servants therefore deep acquaintance for every instrument on which she goes herself to take part. For a company it would be excessive expensive to maintain the just inner one, constantly, staff highly specialized in these fields. In this system, instead, she can have use of of such competences single in the case of participations estimates, programmed or urgent.
  • Coordination of supplyings like support to the external subfornitori
    This service is a part of the Chain Management. Aid to the subfornitori of the own customers consists essentially in the lend, finding for they the materials of which they need, having already previous acquaintance of the same ones. An example of this service could be the case in which a great company store clerk from one obtains one German company. The induced one of this first company would have to work according to the capitolato one of the committente, using therefore material from this prescribed. He is not simple but for these companies, also of small dimensions and with little experience of the international markets, to procurarsi such materials. Unitec takes part therefore, supplying they the materials adapted to the scope.
  • Analysis optimization of the management of the warehouse you exchange again
    The warehouse you exchange again can represent for many companies source of enormous wastes, deriving from one incorrect management of the same one. In every warehouse they are present approximately 10 - 20 mila items different, everyone with just a code and just a level of I reorder. In the moment in which the level of supplyes of a particular one it comes down under a sure level, it is proceeded in automatic rifle to the new one I reorder, without to verify if effectively other identical products are not present. All that drift from one wrong coding of the particular presents in warehouse. In order to exemplify the concept, the case is placed in which in a production company they come used the same light bulbs, of the same one marks and the same type, in ambles to you different. They will have therefore the coding for the light bulb used in industrial the lampadari normal schools, the coding for the same light bulb, mounted on a new system as soon as acquired, let alone the last coding for the identical light bulb, stavolta mounted on an old system. These errors are justify you from the fact that as a result of the purchase of a new system, in case of need of replacement parts for the same one addresses the supplier to us of the system, rather than to the producer of the same ones. It is difficult in fact to be able to directly know the constructor of the replacement parts, at least until is not proceeded to a first purchase of the same ones. Unitec in these situations takes part with a inspection in the warehouse, and with an analysis of the identifying one of the same one. It then proceeds to a ridecodificazione of the particular presents, unificando the positions identical, but managed various, and attributing they the true code trades them. One is obtained therefore rinormalizzazione of the supplyes and one optimization of the management of the same ones. In the example before indicated, famous like from the management of three different codes, and therefore from the relati to you costs, it can easily be passed to an only code, obtaining remarkable savings and greater efficiency.
  • Buyer aggregation
    Often the necessities of many companies, also pertaining to different productive fields, are identical or however similar. With buyer aggregation the aggregation of the similari necessities of a group of companies agrees therefore, which agree to proceed in organized way for this type of supplyings. An example could be that one of the purchase of the paper for printing, fax and photocopiers of some automotive enterprises of the field and the field of the steel mills. All the companies of this type make use of paper for the aforesaid scopes. They are organized therefore between of they, calculating the needs of ognuna and proceeding in way combined to the purchase of all the necessary paper, addressing even to different to cartiere in order to obtain the best possible prices. This type of agreement, beyond to being able itself to carry out between enterprises pertaining to different productive fields, can be worth also for purchases of services of which the pertaining to the group have use of all.
  • Management repairs
    Usually the production companies number in their business patrimony assets which systems of production, machinery, tools or groups that need sometimes of repairs. The solutions normally taken in consideration in these cases are the management of the repairs in house, or alternative in a workshop of repairs, or the contact of the representative of the manifacturing company more neighbor for being able to obtain support in the participations. These solutions introduce but some disadvantages. In the first case in fact, also obtaining savings on the costs of the participation, it is not sure of the effectiveness of the same one, in how much not there is the same specific competence and level know how, possessed instead from the constructor of the product. According to case it introduces the disadvantage of long times of wait, in how much the material only catches up the warehouse for the repairs of the producer after long passages, leaving from the final customer and crossing the branchs (office) assigned to the services post sale. Unitec can on behalf manage the activities of repair of the customers, taking the materials in delivery and sending them directly to the constructor of the same ones. The advantages are in particular two. The first one is the greater guarantee of the participation, in directly carried out how much from the constructor of the tools. The second is the shortening of the times of restitution of the materials, which come send you directly to the constructor, without intermediate passages. The same one happens to happened repair, diminishing therefore the times of attended for materials to urgent times a lot.
  • Management emergencies
    This is of sure one of the activities mainly appreciated from the customers of Unitec, in how much it comes to exist in the moment in which a machinery or a system they have without warning of the problems and they carry to the arrest of the production, with consequent huge damages. In these cases, the speed in the delivery of the intentional piece of reciprocation is essential, in the how much longest one is the arrest of the machinery, greater is the damages that the company endures. The participation of Unitec, thanks to the collaboration with important logistics society which UPS, DHL and TNT, allows the customer to obtain the intentional part in the sun turn also 24 hours, with the possibility, for the more urgent cases, than to organize also special transports it dedicates to you with own means. Beyond to the times, they come reduced also the shipping charges, in how much the firm goods not near the Unitec warehouse, but capacity comes directly lì where it is demanded, involving therefore a single transfer of the same one.
  • Virtual warehouse (material auxiliary).
    The potentialities put to disposition from Internet, in particular thanks to the Netsourcing application, have carried to the idea of the Virtual Warehouse, that is to the esternalizzazione of the supplyes of a same company and to the sharing of between making enterprises the part of the same industrial group, in particular of the same district. Every customer transmits to the manager of the virtual warehouse the relative information just to the level, to the type and the times of supplying of the own supplyes, of way that every pertaining to the system knows the availability of the moment. Every customer can therefore rationalize the own supplyes, being able to count also on those of the other consociati ones, reducing them to a level more low and investing the own resources in more fruitful way. Moreover, the purchases come consolidate, allowing to obtain smaller prices to you in the moment of the resupply. The ingegnerizzazione of the virtual warehouse is based on the principle of the "esclusione of the contemporaneità ", consisting in the exclusion statistics of the probability that a member goes in damage in two different areas in the same moment. Using this instrument, the entire territory been involved some draws benefit, and the logistic system improves clearly. The excesses of supplyes, therefore of immobilization financial institution, come standardize to you, the recycle obsolescences, the increased spin of warehouse and the multiplied availability.
  • Netsourcing (e-procurement)
    Netsourcing is, like cited previously, an instrument particularly adapted for the e-procurement28, that is the process of purchase on Internet without I use it of paper. The solutions of e-procurement carry to a remarkable simplification of the supplying process, and allow, in the great companies, to obtain one lessening of the costs of the 8-12%, in average, on the total of the purchases. The main advantages deriving from I use of the e-procurement are, beyond to the shortening, cost reduction of the Time to market29, reduction and strategic management of the suppliers key and the increase of the effectiveness of the processes.
  • Support supplyings for laboratories
    This particular service é turned in ai chemical laboratories presents in very many companies of production and services, and is introduced like supply integrated for the same purchases delle. Whichever type of laboratory, also mechanic as an example, can have use of of this service. The laboratories are characterize to you from the fact to have micronecessity of materials (chemical, mechanical, etc), but in consisting number. To be able to stilare a list of all their needs, and to carry out a single purchase aggregate of all the materials wishes to you, turns out for same one remarkable facilitation and a saving of time and costs for supplying. Unitec is taken care to try all the produced different demands and to carry out one single delivery of all, with an only process of relative purchase.
  • Supply chain management in outsourcing (material auxiliary of consumption production)
    The supply chain it is a total net, or network logistic, that it allows to optimize the deliveries from the suppliers of raw materials to the final consumers, through flows of information, products and monetary resources. The Supply Chain Management is with of approaches uses you in order to integrate in efficient way all the partner that we can consider like external organizations to the company, but that they play a vital role for the business of the same one. This partner is as an example the suppliers, the sub-suppliers, the centers of distribution, the vendors R-all'.ingrosso and by piece. The objective of the SCM is to optimize the logistic flows, so that the goods is produced and distributed in the just amount, in the just places and moments, diminishing the costs of the entire system and guaranteeing the requirements of level of the service. The scope of the process of planning and control, to leave from the stoccaggio of the raw materials, the semifinished ones and the finished products, and the relative information, from the point of origin to the consumption point, is the satisfaction of the requirements of the customers. The Supply Chain Management is characterized, beyond that from integration of all the logistic activities of the company, from the increase of the business borders until integration of suppliers and customers, and from the implementazione with the same ones of strategic and operating collaborations. The scope of these collaborations is to catch up minor the all in cost of the so-called system of the extended enterprise30, or extensive enterprise.
  • Supplying virtual reduction park
    The function acquires of a medium-large enterprise of production must be taken care of the purchases of material of secondary importance, beyond that of those necessary ones to Core business. This door to the management of hundred of various suppliers, with the relati to you huge costs that derive some. Delegating part of the job, relative to the suppliers of category B+C, that is of materials MRO31, to a single manager, economies create themselves that carry to the efficiency of the function acquire. This last one will be taken care only more of the suppliers than greater importance, being able to dedicate also to strategic studies for supplyings "Core". In the case in which the customers they wish to maintain the relations with the historical suppliers of small dimensions, Unitec is proposed to take them in management for they account, without to bring damage to relationships by now consolidates to you. Such service above all benefits the companies in along period, allowing one reduction of the number of managed suppliers. The fluctuation anniversary of the suppliers is consisting; every company is estimated that, annually, replies approximately a 10-15% of new suppliers, to discapito of an as much percentage of companies with which more relationships are not had. Unitec, taking in management all the suppliers of the not strategic materials, practically eliminates this fluctuation in the park supplying of the customer, cancelling the companies with which more contacts are not had and managing the new suppliers. For all materials MRO, the company customer it will have contacts only more with Unitec, finding again itself after some years with a consolidated park supplying.
  • Analysis supplyings you exchange again before equipment
    The customers decide sometimes of incaricare Unitec to try reciprocations first equipment for the own systems without to address directly to the supplier near which he had acquires them to you. Incarica Unitec to find the product same, or an alternative product, through the analysis of the codes of the constructor, of the technical cards or photos of the product available. It is attempted therefore to go back directly to the original producer of the piece of reciprocation, without having to pass through the constructor of the final machinery, and avoiding therefore the markup that the same one applies.
  • Search of compatible products/alternated
    Often working with replacement parts, understood that a product has become obsolete, than it does not come more produced, or not if they find some in commerce. In these situations, Unitec searches produced identical, similar or however compatible to those previously it uses you from the customer. Sometimes she is the same customer who decides to try an alternative product, in order to measure of the performances and the effectiveness, and incarica therefore Unitec to find an element valid substitutive.
  • Administrative consolidation (reduction in the amount of invoices, verifications and payments)
    The operating costs of supplyings are huge. To use the service of supply integrated offered from Unitec allows to consolidate the invoices, the bubbles, the verifications of the materials in acceptance and the relati to you payments. The possibility exists in fact to send one single demand with multiple supplying different products, receiving one total delivery and having to carry out the relative activities one single time.
  • International purchases
    Meant like international search of market, the carried out activity from Unitec, consisting in searching agrees constantly, to world-wide level, the more convenient sources of supplying. The means use informed to us, with to natural and the constant one I use of foreign languages, renders the search easyr and effective for Unitec, which will evidence the own customers turns out obtained to you more satisfactory. The search extends also, on a commission basis of the own customers, to products not more available near the usual sources, or to materials of constructors not more existing. Unitec characterizes therefore new sources of supplying is for this purpose, is in order to succeed to obtain better prices.
  • Reintegro automatic rifle of the supplyes in warehouse
    This type of service demands of the agreements tightened between customer and supplier, in how much previews the implementazione of a system automatic rifle of ordinazione of the materials, when these catch up the minimal level of supplyes in warehouse. To the base of that he exists a relationship of collaboration and mutual confidence, since the customer must yield to the supplier all the relative data you to just the warehouse and the management of the same one, affidandogli moreover the process of supplying in automatic rifle. The controls directed on the supplies come therefore diminished, but in advantage the purchase costs decrease remarkablly.
  • Reporting activity also on-line
    Upon request of the customer, the possibility exists to monitorare all the relative activities to the demands for offer, offering, orders and payments, let alone other correlated information, are in cartacea way that through reportistica in Internet. This last methodology sure is advised from an office paperless which it is Unitec, in how much it allows an immediate, constant control and in real times of the carried out job, without I block it of the cartacea documentation.
  • Business advising and re-ingegnerizzazione of the processes and the procedures of supplying
    The objective of such activity is that one to render the relative processes you to the more efficient supplyings, reducing of the operating costs, which are determine through a inspection and one to you study of the same processes. They exist in fact is famous costs, which those of the staff or of the superficial ones of the enterprise, it is situations that generate "hidden" costs, that it must therefore eliminate. Unitec is taken care, after the determination of such costs, of the king-ingegnerizzazione of the processes, so as to to overwhelm the found deficiencies. The offered service is not, of for himself, a innovation in the field of the study of the processes; the innovation consists in implementing such study to supplyings, very often leaves neglected from the companies like source of possible improvements and efficiencies.
  • Consulenza ABC (Activity Based Costing)
    Unitec offers a service of advising, consisting in the analysis and in I compute of the costs of the supplying process. The traditional systems charge the costs to the various products based on the volume of the production32, considered determining factor the consumption of the resources. With the ABC method they consider one more wide series than factors, it calls to you cost drivers. Logic of this system determines the costs to attribute to every product in activity 33 carried out for the production and sale of the same one. In this case the activities are considered like the result of the supplying process, that it can be involved different organizational units. Such process begins with the birth of the demand for the customer and finishes with the payment to the suppliers for the assets or services receipts. A carried out business analysis with the instrument of the ABC can allow to search all those activities that do not add value to the enterprise. In a decisional optical of make or buy, such advising allows to determine with a sure emergency which activities to entrust in outsourcing and on which instead concentrating the investments, since determines you of the business value, therefore Core.

  • Notes 28: Electronic supplying
  • Notes 29: Time necessary in order to complete the entire operation of supplying
  • Notes 30: The concept of extended enterprise has become to continuation of the spread of the model of the company net more and more important, in which the management of the relationships between actors pertaining to various entities he becomes fundamental.
  • Notes 32: Calculated based on the number of hours of labor or to the hours machine
  • Notes 33: For activity one agrees with of the undertaken actions, also from various subjects in various organizational units, to the aim to achieve an objective data.


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